While rocking some great dance moves to Buddy Holly tunes can warm you up, it’s not enough to keep you safe during the colder winter months in Lubbock, TX. That’s what your heating system is for. As fall approaches, there are some necessary maintenance tips that you’ll want to perform on your system to keep it working efficiently throughout the winter months.

Change Your Air Filter

Your HVAC air filter is likely chock full of airborne debris from the summer months. Now is a good time to replace it with a fresh one. You’ll want to replace it with a filter that has the same model number so that it works correctly.

Fill Your Fuel Tank

If your heating system fuel isn’t piped directly into your home, then you have a storage tank. A necessary part of your fall HVAC maintenance is to fill your tank with fuel. This way, it’ll be ready to run your heating system when you need it.

Seal Up Air Leaks

Any leaks around your doors and windows will allow the cold outside air to seep into your home during the winter. It’s necessary to take a few moments and check all your doors and windows for drafts. If you locate any, you’ll want to properly seal gaps with caulking or weatherstripping.

Schedule Professional Maintenance Service

Early in the fall, it’s a good idea to schedule professional maintenance service. This service will properly prep your heating system to take on the cold Lubbock winters and alert you of any foreseeable problems before they occur. It’s also important to note that many heating system manufacturers require annual professional maintenance on your system to keep your warranty coverage in force.

Test Your CO2 and Smoke Detectors

Before the winter weather hits, you’ll want to check that all of your carbon monoxide and smoke detectors are working properly. It can be very easy to simply pull out a battery when a detector is beeping because it’s low, then forget to go back later to replace it. Make sure that you manually test each detector throughout your home to ensure that it’s working properly.

Prepping your HVAC system for the fall is a necessary step, so you can be certain that your heating system will work properly when you need it. The procedures mentioned above are just a few of the many preparation steps that you should be undertaking. Contact our team at Action Air & Plumbing to handle all of your professional maintenance needs!

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